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Game Programmer at Jyamma Games

​Oct 2020 - present


Worked on three mobile games developed in Unity which include Firebase, IAP, access to Game Center (iOS) and Play Games (Android), Leaderboard, Adverstising with AdMob, UnityAds and MAXApplovin, multiplayer mode with Photon.



Game Programmer at Biokip Labs

​Jul 2020 - Jan 2021


Worked on a mobile game developed in Unity which includes Firebase,


IAP, Advesrtising with AdMob.​

Digital Bros Game Academy (MI)

​Sep 2019 - Aug 2020

Game Programming Course


  • Advanced study of Unity, AI, Shader

  • Worked on three academic projects: a platform game, a multiplayer racing game and a hyper casual game. All projects had team with 14/16 people among programmers, artists and designers. Covered the role of Lead Programmers in two of them




University of Calabria (CS)

​Sep 2016 - Jul 2019

​Degree in Computer Engineering: 110/110 cum laude


  • Thesis Title: Video game development with the Unity Game Engine: the use of AssetBundles
High School A.Guarasci Soverato (CZ)

Sep 2011 - Jul 2016

Scientific High School Diploma: 95/100
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